Git workflow

Summary of this post

A note for 2 types of the git workflow:

  1. Create a GitHub repository first, then clone it to local to work
  2. Work on local first, then create a GitHub repository to push local work to it

git clone一個空的 repository 再開始本機作業會省事一點。


os: Windows_NT 10.0.18363 win32 x64

Workflow: git clone first

  1. Create a repository on GitHub
  2. Copy the repository URL<username>/<repository-name>.git
  3. Launch cmd.exe, move to the preferred location, run git clone <repository URL>
  4. Move to the folder by cd <repository-name>
  5. Complete the work in local folder, run git add . and git commit
  6. Run git push to push the local work to the GitHub repository

Note: no need to config the remote and branch manually, git clone will take care these. 先git clone一個空的 repository 可以省略手動設定 remote 跟 branch 的步驟。

Workflow: local work first

  1. Complete the work locally
  2. Create a repository on GitHub
  3. Run git init in the local working folder
  4. Run the following command to add remote URL: git remote add <short-name-for-repository> <url-for-repository> For example: git remote add origin
  5. Run git add . and git commit
  6. Run git push --set-upstream origin master to push local content to GitHub repository

Note: need to config git remote and git push --set-upstream manually 如果先在本機執行作業前沒有先git clone一個空的 repository,那麼git init後必須手動執行git remote add,第一次git push時也須加上--set-upstream origin master
