Add 404 page

Summary of this post

The workflow of adding a 404 handling page for the hexo blog.

The 404 page


hexo: 5.3.0
hexo-cli: 4.2.0
os: Windows_NT 10.0.18363 win32 x64


  1. Create a file in the source folder

    The screenshot to display file location of file for the hexo blog

  2. Add page content for the file:

    • permalink: /404.html in line 3 is required.
    • Fill in the correct URL (https://<your GitHub username> for redirection in line 9 and line 19
    • The value of countTime in line 12 can be updated to the preferred waiting time. I just leave the waiting time as 5 seconds without changing it.
title: 404
permalink: /404.html

## Page not exists

The page you are looking for does not exist.
Will bring you back to the homepage in <span id="timeout">5</span> second(s).
Or [click this link](https://<your GitHub username> to go back to the homepage immediately.

let countTime = 5;

function count() {
  document.getElementById('timeout').textContent = countTime;
  countTime -= 1;
  if(countTime === 0){
    location.href = "https://<your GitHub username>";
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 1000);

  1. Save the file. Run hexo generate and hexo deploy to push the 404 handle page to the repository. Done ☕
