Contribution workflow note: document update

This a note for participating hexo’s contribution (for improving the documentation in English and traditional Chinese). 參與了 hexo 說明文件的改善協作,記錄一下整個流程。 不過 pr 因為提出的改善建議已經過時(hexo 4.2.1 已支援 Noje.js 14)所以並沒有被接受 🤣

Preparing works


hexo: 5.3.0
hexo-cli: 4.2.0
os: Windows_NT 10.0.18363 win32 x64


  1. Fork hexojs/site Click "Fork" button
  2. Open cmd.exe, move to C:\Projects\hexo_contributing by entering cd C:\Projects\hexo_contributing (since I want to store the hexojs/site repo in this location on my computer).
  3. Enter git init to create a empty Git repository in this folder.
  4. Follow the instruction on hexo’s contribution document:
git clone
cd site
npm install
  1. Dive into the \site\source folder. Update the contents in English and traditional Chinese documents
  2. Run hexo server to have a live previwing, checking the pages I’d updated and make sure nothing was mess-up
  3. Create a branch call “update-node-js-version-suggestion” by entering git checkout -b update-node-js-version-suggestion in cmd.exe
  4. Push the modification from local to GitHub by git push update-node-js-version-suggestion
  5. Create a pull request on GitHub page, describe what changes I’d applied to the documents.


Receive a comment which indicated the improvement is out of date (my bad), thus remove the pr from GitHub. Here’s the flow:

  1. Click the “Pull requests” tab in hexojs/site, click the pr I’d sent Navigate to the Pull request tab in hexojs/site repository
  2. Scroll to the page bottom, add the comment to describe the reason of closing the pr. Click the button “Close with comment” Comment the reason for closing the pull-request before closing it
  3. Click the button “Delete branch” (since it has no useage now) Delete the branch from GitHub repository
  4. The branch has been deleted The screenshot after deleting a branch Done 😌


About how to use indicator characters (:) in yaml file and bracket ([]) in markdown file:

About cancel, delete, remove a GitHub pull request: