「JavaScript Understanding the Weird Parts」第二、三章筆記
2021-08-30 15:29 JavaScript
- 總結
- Section 2: Execution contexts and lexical environments
- Syntax parser
- Lexical environment
- Execution context
- Creation phase
- Execution phase
- Global execution context
- Global
- undefined
- name-value pair
- Object (in JavaScript)
- Invoke function, function invocation
- scope
- block scope
- scope chain
- Single threaded
- Synchronous
- Asynchronous
- Section 3 Types and Operators
- Dynamic types
- Primitive type
- Operator
- Operator precedence
- Associativity
- Coercion
- 參考文件
Section 2: Execution contexts and lexical environments
Syntax parser
- A program that reads your code, and determines what the code does and if code’s grammar is valid.
- There’s a compiler or an interpreter between the code you write and the computer (who runs your code), and part of that is a syntax parser.
- The real reason it matters to have a clear picture on whether JS is interpreted or compiled relates to the nature of how errors are handled.
- In other words, parsed languages usually also perform code generation before execution, in spirit, they’re compiled languages.
- The answer is closer to yes than no. The parsed JS is converted to an optimized (binary) form, and that “code” is subsequently executed; the engine does not commonly switch back into line-by-line execution mode after it has finished all the hard work of parsing—most languages/engines wouldn’t, because that would be highly inefficient.
- The reason that matters is, since JS is compiled, we are informed of static errors (such as malformed syntax) before our code is executed. That is a substantively different interaction model than we get with traditional “scripting” programs, and arguably more helpful!
Lexical environment
- Where you write is important.
- Where you see things written gives you the idea of where it will actually sit in computer’s memory, and how it will interact with other variables and functions of the program.
Lexical environment and function scope
- It’s the internal js engine construct that holds identifier-variable mapping. Here identifier refers to the name of variables/functions, and variable is the reference to actual object (including function type object) or primitive value.
- A lexical environment also holds a reference to a parent lexical environment.
那些年,我們一起錯過的 Javascript 系列:JS 的二三事
- Lexical Environment 在 Javascript 代表的是,今天我們 Code 寫在哪個位置 ,是非常重要的。
- 下面我們看到一個變數
位在函式裡面,這變數在字詞上來說就是坐落於、存在於這個函式,這隻函式就是一個 Lexical Environment。function greet() { const message = 'hello' }
Understanding Closures in JavaScript
- A Lexical Environment has two components:
- the environment record and;
- a reference to the outer environment.
Execution context
- A wrapper to help manage the code that is running.
- There are a lot of lexical environments, which one is currently running is managed via execution context.
- When a code is running in JavaScript, it runs inside the execution context.
- A syntax parser wraps the currently executing code in an execution context.
Lexical environment and function scope
- The js engine maintains a execution context stack (or call stack), which contains these contexts and the global execution context stays at the bottom of this stack.
- A new execution context is created and pushed to the stack when execution of a function begins. 每執行一個 function 就會建立一個新的 execution context
Creation phase
- In the creation phase of execution context, JavaScript engine will create
global object
andouter environment
; also it allocate memory space for the variables and function, this is hoisting. - Before you code run line by line, the JS engine has already set memory space for the variables and functions.
Execution phase
When value assigning happens.
var msg = 'hello world'; // creation phase var msg; // = undefined // execution phase msg = 'hello world';
Run the codes you written line by line.
Global execution context
- When JavaScript engine parse your code, it creates the global execution context; also it creates
Global Object
andouter environment
for you automatically. - 就算載入一隻完全空白的 js 檔案,打開 Chrome DevTools 也可以呼叫出
global object
- Means “not inside a function”.
- If a code or variable is not inside a function, it is global.
- The value that a
variable receive during the creation phase.
name-value pair
- A name which maps to a unique value.
- Name may be defined more than once, but only one value in any given context.
Object (in JavaScript)
- A collection of name-value pairs.
- Function is Object, a collection of name-value pairs.
Invoke function, function invocation
- Running a function; in JS we do this by using parentheses:
- When a function is invoked, a new execution context is created and put on the execution stack.
- Where a variable is available in your code.
block scope
let a = 'apple';
const c = 'cherry';
console.log(a); // ReferenceError
console.log(c); // ReferenceError
var b = 'banana';
console.log(b); // 'banana'
scope chain
function b() {
function a() {
var myVar = 2;
var myVar = 1;
a(); // 1
- 上述程式碼會印出 1,因為
function b
,會依循 scope chain 到他的親代(reference to the outer environment)去尋找此變數,故找到 global 的myVar = 1
function b
沒有位在function a
裡面,他的 outer lexical environment 就是 global environment
function b(myVar) {
function a() {
var myVar = 2;
var myVar = 1;
a(); // 這樣才會印出2
function a() {
function b() {
var myVar = 2;
var myVar = 1;
a(); // 這樣也會印出2
Single threaded
- One command at a time.
- One at a time, in order.
- More than one at a time.
Section 3 Types and Operators
Dynamic types
- JavaScript engine figures out the type of the variable when it runs the code. You don’t decide it.
Primitive type
- Not an object, data that represents a single value.
Operators take two parameters and return one result.
Just a special function that is syntactically written differently (infix notation).
// prefix notation +3 4; // post notation 3 4+; // infix notation 3 + 4;
Operator precedence
- Which operator function gets called first.
- 不同的 operator 之間也是有優先順序的,參考 Operator precedence - JavaScript | MDN
var a = 2, b = 3, c = 4;
a = b = c;
console.log(a); // 4
console.log(b); // 4
console.log(c); // 4
// = is right-to-left
- In what order the operator functions get called: left-to-right or right-to-left, when functions have the same precedence.
0 || "0" && {}
- 先進行
"0" && {}
0 || {}
Converting a value from one type to another.
Number(undefined) // NaN Number(null) // 0 Boolean(undefined) // false Boolean(null) // false Boolean("") // false Boolean([]), Boolean({}) // true
console.log(1 < 2 < 3) // true
console.log(3 < 2 < 1) // true
console.log(3 > 2 > 1) // false
// <, > is left-to-right
1 < 2
,true < 3
轉型為1 < 3
3 < 2
,false < 1
轉型為0 < 1
3 > 2
,true > 1
轉型為1 > 1