Theme "NexT" font modification

Summary of this post

Want to update the font-size, font-family (for the Chinese character) and color settings for my hexo blog. Done some searching and find out the contents in base.styl and Pisces.styl needs to be modified to fullfil my requirements. I know this may not be the best choice (since NexT’s docs suggests using Alternate Config ,, to apply modification) while at least this works…😣

為了修改字體尺寸、字型(主要是中文字體)與版面顏色設定,調整了base.stylPisces.styl的內容。 只需要修改英語字型的話,更改 Font Settings的段落即可。


hexo: 5.3.0
NexT: 8.2.1
os: Windows_NT 10.0.18363 win32 x64

Modification in base.styl

File path: \themes\next\source\css\_variables

Color system

// Color system
// --------------------------------------------------
$whitesmoke   = #F5F3ED;
$blue         = #ADBDC4;

Set Isabelline (#F5F3ED) for $whitesmoke, and use Opal (#ADBDC4) to replace the default $blue. Color scheme reference: elegant-and-classic

Text color

// Global text color on <body>
$text-color                   = $black-dim;

Change the text color from $black-light to $black-dim, lower the color value to make the contents more readable.

Font family

Chinese font family setting

// Font families.
$font-family-chinese      = 'Noto Sans TC';

沒有特別喜歡 NexT 預設的中文字型 PingFang SC 與 Microsoft YaHei,決定更換成 Google 的 Noto Sans TC。 將$font-family-chinese的值改成Noto Sans TC後,到Google Fonts選取要使用的字體。 取得 host URI 後,將的值設定為 Google Fonts 提供的 URI。

English font family setting

English font can be easily config in, just update the “Font Settings” part.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Font Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
  enable: true

  # Global font settings used for all elements inside <body>.
    external: true
    family: Roboto

⚗️ Anatomy:

3 steps to get the font hosting URI from Google Fonts

💡 Hint: In my case, I also add “Noto Sans TC” to the selected families, so the host URI becomes to The URI includes two families “Noto Sans TC” and “Roboto”.

Font size

// Font size
$font-size-medium         = .95em;
$font-size-large          = 1em;
$font-size-larger         = 1.125em;
$font-size-largest        = 1.25em;

Reduce the size scale for blog content and titles.

Modification in Pisces.styl

File path: \themes\next\source\css\_variables\Pisces.styl

Body background color

// Settings for some of the most global styles.
// --------------------------------------------------
$body-bg-color                = #CFC9BD;

Set the background color to Pastel Gray (#CFC9BD) to provide a slightly elegant smell (😂) to this blog. Color scheme reference: elegant-and-classic

// Sidebar
$sidebar-nav-hover-color          = $blue;
$sidebar-highlight                = $blue;

Change the hover and highlight color of “Table of Contents” into $blue:

sidebar (menu) hover and highlight color changes to blue

// Sidebar
// --------------------------------------------------
$site-author-image-border-width   = 0px;

I think the border around the blog author image creates a little bit conflict to the whole theme style (since the site-author-image seems to be the only place that appears the border). Removes the border by setting the $site-author-image-border-width to 0px. Below is the before-after comprehensive:

Author image with and without the border

