2021 第46週 學習記錄:CSS modules、React HOC、React router、debounce 與 throttle
記錄 2021 年第 46 週學到的新東西:CSS modules、React Router、Debounce 與 Throttle
CSS modules
Adobe Magneto PWA docs: A CSS Module is a CSS file that defines class and animation names that are scoped locally by default. CSS modules do not have an official specification nor are they a browser feature. They are part of a compilation process that executes against your project to convert scoped classes and selectors into CSS files that the browser can parse and understand. Tools such as Webpack are used to perform this compilation process.
- 解決了原生 CSS 沒有 scope 概念的問題
- 目前的專案使用 webpack5 處理打包流程,故直接在 React 元件中引用相對應的 module.css 檔案即可
試圖對 MUI 元件套用自定義的 CSS 樣式,確定語法與選擇器皆有正確撰寫,但樣式卻沒有套用到畫面上
- 問題根源:在 module.css 中誤用
限制了要覆蓋的 MUI CSS classes - 解決方式:使用
,因為要覆蓋的 MUI CSS classes 是 global 樣式,不需套用:local
將該樣式做 scoped
Higher-Order function
Higher-Order function 是 function 回傳 function;而 higher-order component 也可用類似邏輯理解
// function return function
const add = (x) => (y) => (z) => x + y + z;
add(2)(3)(4); // 2+3+4 = 9
Higher-Order Components
React Official Docs: A higher-order component is a function that takes a component and returns a new component.
// component return component
const EnhancedComponent = higherOrderComponent(WrappedComponent);
You can imagine that in a large app, this same pattern of subscribing to
and callingsetState
will occur over and over again. We want an abstraction that allows us to define this logic in a single place and share it across many components. This is where higher-order components excel. 官方說明中以「render comments」與「render blog post」做範例,雖然 render 出來的內容類型完全不同,但行為都是「在componentDidMount
時執行 data fetch,把資料丟進 setState,並將資料渲染到畫面上」;而 HOCs 可以重複利用以上邏輯 -
The wrapped component receives all the props of the container, along with a new prop,
, which it uses to render its output. The HOC isn’t concerned with how or why the data is used, and the wrapped component isn’t concerned with where the data came from. HOCs 不管資料怎麼被子層元件使用,子層元件也不管資料怎麼來 -
// remove props import React from 'react'; function HocRemoveProp(WrappedComponent) { return class WrappingComponent extends React.Component { render() { const { user, ...otherProps } = this.props; return <WrappedComponent {...otherProps} />; } }; } export default HocRemoveProp;
// remove props import React from 'react'; function HocRemoveProp(WrappedComponent) { return class WrappingComponent extends React.Component { render() { const { user, ...otherProps } = this.props; return <WrappedComponent {...otherProps} />; } }; } export default HocRemoveProp;
React Router
To use a router, just make sure it is rendered at the root of your element hierarchy. Typically you’ll wrap your top-level
element in a router. 基本上會用<BrowserRouter>
包起來import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; function App() { return <h1>Hello React Router</h1>; } ReactDOM.render( <BrowserRouter> <App /> </BrowserRouter>, document.getElementById('root') );
You should put
s with more specific (typically longer)path
s before less-specific ones. 邏輯跟 vue router 一樣,比對到就不會繼續往下找了,所以條件越嚴格的要放越上面
strict, exact
exact strict
:完全符合<Route exact strict path="/one/" component={About} /> // ✅ /one/ // 🚫 /one, /one/two
:檢查 trailing slash<Route strict path="/one/" component={About} /> // ✅ /one/, /one/two // 🚫 /one
:不限制 trailing slash,但 trailing slash 後若有內容則判定不 match<Route exact path="/one" component={About} /> // ✅ /one, /one/ // 🚫 /one/two
Searching Debounce, Throttle
When a React component handles bursting events like window resize, scrolling, user typing into an input, etc. — it’s wise to soften the handlers of these events. Otherwise, when the handlers are invoked too often you risk making the application lagging or even unresponsive for a few seconds.
- 簡單總結:「等一下再執行」 舉例:不是每次 user input onChange 的時候就馬上搜尋內容,而是等待 xx 毫秒後再執行搜尋
- 簡單解法:
_.debounce(func, [wait=0], [options={}])
(Official docs): Creates a debounced function that delays invokingfunc
until afterwait
milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was invoked._.throttle(func, [wait=0], [options={}])
(Official docs): Creates a throttled function that only invokesfunc
at most once per everywait
- 差異:
- debounce: will bunch a series of sequential calls to a function into a single call to that function. It ensures that one notification is made for an event that fires multiple times. 最後一次被觸發、並過了指定秒數後才執行該 cb()
- throttle: will delay executing a function. It will reduce the notifications of an event that fires multiple times. 在一段指定時間內最多只會執行一次
- 視覺參考:http://demo.nimius.net/debounce_throttle/
- CSS Modules
- (YouTube) What is a Higher Order Component? | React Tutorials
- [react] Higher Order Component(HOC)
- 当初要是看了这篇,React 高阶组件早会了
- Usage of exact and strict props
- How to Correctly Debounce and Throttle Callbacks in React
- Debouncing and Throttling Explained Through Examples
- Difference Between throttling and debouncing a function