2022 第52週 實作筆記:於 MaterialUI theme 新增 custom breakpoints


記錄一下 Mui theme custom breakpoints 搭配 TypeScript 專案的處理方式。


@mui/material: 5.11.2





重點:透過 declare moduleinterface BreakpointOverrides 傳入 custom breakpoints 設定。設定為 true 的鍵值即可在 mui theme 中使用,反之設定為 false 的鍵值會被忽略。

以下內容代表「不再使用 MUI 預設的 xs/sm/md/lg/xl 這五組 breakpoints,並新增 mobile/tablet/laptop/desktop 這四組 breakpoints」:

/// <reference types="react-scripts" />

import type { BreakpointOverrides } from '@mui/system/createTheme/createBreakpoints';

declare module '@mui/system/createTheme/createBreakpoints' {
  interface BreakpointOverrides {
    xs: false;
    sm: false;
    md: false;
    lg: false;
    xl: false;
    mobile: true;
    tablet: true;
    laptop: true;
    desktop: true;
/* theme.ts */
import { useTheme } from '@mui/material';
import { ThemeProvider, createTheme } from '@mui/material/styles';
import useMediaQuery from '@mui/material/useMediaQuery';
import type { Theme } from '@mui/material/styles';

const theme = createTheme({
  breakpoints: {
    values: {
      mobile: 0,
      tablet: 640,
      laptop: 1024,
      desktop: 1200,

export { ThemeProvider, theme, useTheme, useMediaQuery, Theme };

定義好 BreakpointOverrides 後即可搭配 useThemeuseMediaQuery 使用:

/* MainAppView.tsx */
import React, { memo } from 'react';
import { useTheme, useMediaQuery, Theme } from './theme';

function MainAppView(): React.ReactElement {
  /* States */
  const theme = useTheme();
  const upMobile = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.up('mobile'));
  const upTablet = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.up('tablet'));
  const upLapTop = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.up('laptop'));
  const upDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme: Theme) =>

  /* Main */
  return (
        {`theme.breakpoints.up('mobile'): ${upMobile}`}
        {`theme.breakpoints.up('tablet'): ${upTablet}`}
        {`theme.breakpoints.up('laptop'): ${upLapTop}`}
        {`theme.breakpoints.up('desktop'): ${upDesktop}`}

export default memo(MainAppView);
/* App.tsx */
import React, { memo } from 'react';
import MainAppView from './MainAppView';
import { ThemeProvider, theme } from './theme';

function App(): React.ReactElement {
  /* Main */
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      <MainAppView />

export default memo(App);


首先從 @mui/material/styles/createTheme.d.ts 可以找到傳入 createTheme 的參數 options 其型別定義為 ThemeOptions

export default function createTheme(
  options?: ThemeOptions,
  ...args: object[]
): Theme;

而同一份檔案往上翻,發現 interface ThemeOptions 是延伸自 Omit<SystemThemeOptions, 'zIndex'> { ... }

import { ThemeOptions as SystemThemeOptions } from '@mui/system';

// 中間略

export interface ThemeOptions extends Omit<SystemThemeOptions, 'zIndex'> {
  mixins?: MixinsOptions;
  components?: Components<Omit<Theme, 'components'>>;
  palette?: PaletteOptions;
  shadows?: Shadows;
  transitions?: TransitionsOptions;
  typography?: TypographyOptions | ((palette: Palette) => TypographyOptions);
  zIndex?: ZIndexOptions;
  unstable_strictMode?: boolean;
  unstable_sxConfig?: SxConfig;

再追蹤下去,可以在 @mui/system/createTheme/createTheme/createTheme.d.ts 找到 ThemeOptions,而 breakpoints 的型別定義為 BreakpointsOptions

export interface ThemeOptions {
  shape?: ShapeOptions;
  breakpoints?: BreakpointsOptions;
  direction?: Direction;
  mixins?: unknown;
  palette?: Record<string, any>;
  shadows?: unknown;
  spacing?: SpacingOptions;
  transitions?: unknown;
  components?: Record<string, any>;
  typography?: unknown;
  zIndex?: Record<string, number>;
  unstable_sxConfig?: SxConfig;

打開 @mui/system/createTheme/createTheme/createBreakpoints.d.ts,發現 BreakpointsOptions 延伸自 Partial<Breakpoints>

interface BreakpointsOptions extends Partial<Breakpoints> { ... }

export interface Breakpoints {
  keys: Breakpoint[];
  // 中間略

同一份檔案往上捲一下,會看到 Breakpoints 中的 keys: Breakpoint[] 的本體為 OverridableStringUnion<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', BreakpointOverrides>

export interface BreakpointOverrides {}

export type Breakpoint = OverridableStringUnion<
  'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl',

最後來到檔案 @mui/types/index.d.ts,說明如下:

 * Generate a set of string literal types with the given default record `T` and
 * override record `U`.
 * If the property value was `true`, the property key will be added to the
 * string union.
 * @internal
export type OverridableStringUnion<
  T extends string | number,
  U = {}
> = GenerateStringUnion<Overwrite<Record<T, true>, U>>;

在執行 declare module '@mui/system/createTheme/createBreakpoints' interface BreakpointOverrides 時,設定為 true 的鍵值會被納入定義,之後在使用 custom breakpoints 時,TypeScript complier 便不會再報錯。
