2022 第42週 實作筆記:TypeScript type predicates


將資料根據特定條件進行加工、並試圖透過 .filter() 來濾掉 null 值時,遇到 ts 報錯的狀況:

interface AttachmentFromGCS {
  url: string;
  name: string;
  size: number;

interface AttachmentA {
  fileName: string;
  fileSize: number;

interface AttachmentB {
  fileName: string;
  fileUrl: string;

/* 接下來要根據 url 內容來判定該檔案屬於類型 A 或類型 B */
const attachmentMixed: AttachmentFromGCS[] = [
  { url: 'xxx/typeA/xxx', name: 'file1', size: 8000 },
  { url: 'xxx/typeB/xxx', name: 'file2', size: 600 },
  { url: 'xxx/typeB/xxx', name: 'file3', size: 960 },

/* 但以下寫法在 TypeScript 4.8.4 版依舊會報錯 */
const resultFail: (AttachmentA | AttachmentB)[] = attachmentMixed
  .map((attach) => {
    if (attach.url.includes('typeA')) {
      return { fileName: attach.name, fileSize: attach.size };
    if (attach.url.includes('typeB')) {
      return { fileName: attach.name, fileUrl: attach.url };
    return null;
  .filter((item) => !!item);
Type '({ fileName: string; fileSize: number; fileUrl?: undefined; } | { fileName: string; fileUrl: string; fileSize?: undefined; } | null)[]' is not assignable to type '(AttachmentA | AttachmentB)[]'.
  Type '{ fileName: string; fileSize: number; fileUrl?: undefined; } | { fileName: string; fileUrl: string; fileSize?: undefined; } | null' is not assignable to type 'AttachmentA | AttachmentB'.
    Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'AttachmentA | AttachmentB'.


/* 可以透過 type predicates 來讓 .filter() 發揮作用 */
const resultPass: (AttachmentA | AttachmentB)[] = attachmentMixed
  .map((attach) => {
    if (attach.url.includes('typeA')) {
      return { fileName: attach.name, fileSize: attach.size };
    if (attach.url.includes('typeB')) {
      return { fileName: attach.name, fileUrl: attach.url };
    return null;
  .filter(function notNull(item): item is AttachmentA | AttachmentB {
    return !!item;

引用(但為了配合上述範例,有進行語句調整)TypeScript 官方文件的說明:

Any time notNull is called with some variable (in the above example, item), TypeScript will narrow that variable to that specific type if the original type is compatible.

當一個函式的回傳內容為 type predicates 時,TypeScript 會在「傳入函式的參數能被轉型成指定型態時」進行轉型。

const resultPass: (AttachmentA | AttachmentB)[] = attachmentMixed
  .map((attach) => {
    if (attach.url.includes('typeA')) {
      return { fileName: attach.name, fileSize: attach.size };
    if (attach.url.includes('typeB')) {
      return { fileName: attach.name, fileUrl: attach.url };
    return null;
  /* 也可直接寫成箭頭函式 */
  .filter((item): item is AttachmentA | AttachmentB => !!item);

