2023 情人節禮包:CSS @container


CSS @container 終於在 Chrome (105)、FireFox (110) 以及 Safari (16) 都實裝了。這篇筆記將記錄 @container 的基本語法,以及提供一個簡單的範例。



設定作為參考根據的容器 (containment context):

以上 container-typecontainer-name 可合併在 container 中宣告,語法為 container: <name> | <size>


MDN: A container query applied styles based on the nearest ancestor with a containment context. It’s possible to give a containment context a name using the container-name property. Once named, the name can be used in a @container query so as to target a specific container.

設定好容器後,就可透過 @container 語法來根據容器尺寸調整容器內含物的樣式。

基礎組合如下,這代表 .card 元件通常使用 1rem 大小的字體,但如果其容器 .container 的 inline 尺寸大於 480px 則將字體大小改為 2rem

<div class="container">
  <div class="card">...</div>
.container {
  container-type: inline-size;

.card {
  font-size: 1em;

@container (min-width: 480px) {
  .card {
    font-size: 2rem;

Container query 專用單位:

應用方式可參考下方範例原始碼。搭配 clamp() 來根據容器 inline 數值動態地調整字體大小:

@container (min-width: 720px) {
  .card h2 {
    font-size: clamp(1.25rem, 1.25rem + 1.5cqi, 5rem);

關於 inline 與 block 尺寸:

inline: The inline dimension is the dimension along which a line of text runs in the writing mode in use. Therefore, in an English document with the text running horizontally left to right, or an Arabic document with the text running horizontally right to left, the inline dimension is horizontal.

block: The block dimension is the other dimension, and the direction in which blocks — such as paragraphs — display one after the other. In English and Arabic, these run vertically, whereas in any vertical writing mode these run horizontally.


若是左右書寫的文字流,則 inline size 代表水平方向的尺寸、而 block size 則代表垂直方向的尺寸。


範例中的卡片元件會在其容器寬度小於 720px 時顯示為垂直的圖文排版,而當容器寬度大於 720px 時,卡片圖文將改為水平排列。

See the Pen Container Query by Charlie (@Charlie7779) on CodePen.
