閱讀筆記:The Programmer's Brain Chapter 7 Misconceptions -- Bugs in thinking


此篇是 Good Code, Bad Code: Think like a software engineer 第七章(Misconceptions: Bugs in thinking)的閱讀筆記。



…bugs can also have a deeper underlying reason, where you made a faulty assumption about the code at hand. When you are sure your code will work, but it still fails, chances are that you are suffering from a misconception.


Misconceptions are faulty ways of thinking held with great confidence. Often, it is not enough to point out the flaw in their thinking. Instead, to change a misconception, the faulty way of thinking needs to be replaced with a new way of thinking.

這部分令人回想起快思慢想中關於 system 1 與 system 2 :人腦中的 system 1 反應迅速,但給出的答案卻不一定正確。慢想(system 2)耗費力氣,但比較能做出合理、正確的解答。


If you’ve discovered a misconception, in addition to adding a test, you might also want to add documentation in relevant places to prevent yourself and other people from falling into the same trap.

個人經驗:修 bug 時,在發生修改的位置留下註解說明修改的前因後果、並附上關聯 issue 可以有效避免過了幾個月後出現「我想不起來當初為什麼要這樣改,現在如果又加新東西,到底危不危險」的問題。

