React 19 筆記:新 api 與 pros 功能篇

提醒:此篇筆記整理了 React 19 Beta 中關於 api 與 props 的改動,但不是一份 100% 詳盡的翻譯與解說文,我只記錄了自認需要關注的內容。如果你想了解 React 19 預計要提供的所有改動,請務必閱讀官方文件。


可直接讀取 Promise / React context 的內容,但無法讀取在渲染時產生的 Promise(does not support promises created in render)。

讀取 Promise:

import { use } from 'react';

function Comments({ commentsPromise }) {
  // `use` will suspend until the promise resolves.
  const comments = use(commentsPromise);
  return => <p key={}>{comment}</p>);

function Page({ commentsPromise }) {
  // When `use` suspends in Comments,
  // this Suspense boundary will be shown.
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
      <Comments commentsPromise={commentsPromise} />

讀取 Context:

import { use } from 'react';
import ThemeContext from './ThemeContext';

function Heading({ children }) {
  if (children == null) {
    return null;

  // This would not work with useContext
  // because of the early return.
  const theme = use(ThemeContext);
  return <h1 style={{ color: theme.color }}>{children}</h1>;


ref 相關改動

可直接透過 props 傳遞

在 React 19 後,可直接透過 props 傳遞 ref,不需要再搭配 forwardRef 了。且未來 forwardRef 會被標記為待移除(we will deprecate and remove forwardRef)。

// before
import { forwardRef } from 'react';
const MyInput = forwardRef(function MyInput(props, ref) {
  return <input placeholder={placeholder} ref={ref} />;

// after
function MyInput({ placeholder, ref }) {
  return <input placeholder={placeholder} ref={ref} />;

可執行 cleanup function

當元件要從畫面上被卸除時,React 會執行 ref 中的被回傳的 cleanup 功能。如以下範例:

  ref={(ref) => {
    // do something when ref created
    return () => {
      // do something when component unmounts

<Context.Provider> 簡化為 <Context>

如標題以及以下範例所示,語法從原本的 <ThemeContext.Provider> 簡化為 <ThemeContext>

const ThemeContext = createContext('');

function App({ children }) {
  return <ThemeContext value="dark">{children}</ThemeContext>;

支援文件 metadata

當 React 渲染包含 metadata 的元件時,這些 meta tag 會被提升(hoist)至 HTML 文件的 <head> 中。

function BlogPost({ post }) {
  return (
      {/* support document metadata */}
      <meta name="author" content="Josh" />
      <link rel="author" href="" />
      <meta name="keywords" content={post.keywords} />

透過參數 precedence 可指定樣式的載入順序。比如以下範例中的樣式,在 HTML 文件中的順序從上到下會是 foo >> baz >> bar

function ComponentOne() {
  return (
    <Suspense fallback="loading...">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="foo" precedence="default" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="bar" precedence="high" />
      <article class="foo-class bar-class"></article>

function ComponentTwo() {
  return (
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="baz" precedence="default" />

另外,即使在整個 App 多處重複載入帶有樣式表的元件,該樣式表在 HTML 文件中也只會出現一次(React will only include the stylesheet once in the document)。

<script> 支援 async

邏輯與上方透過 <link> 載入樣式類似——一個包含 <script> 的元件即使在整個 App 中出現多次,React 也只會在 HTML 中嵌入一次標籤。


react-dom 追加數種可以預先載入資源的 api:

import { prefetchDNS, preconnect, preload, preinit } from 'react-dom';

function MyComponent() {
  preinit('https://.../path/to/some/script.js', { as: 'script' }); // loads and executes this script eagerly
  preload('https://.../path/to/font.woff', { as: 'font' }); // preloads this font
  preload('https://.../path/to/stylesheet.css', { as: 'style' }); // preloads this stylesheet
  prefetchDNS('https://...'); // when you may not actually request anything from this host
  preconnect('https://...'); // when you will request something but aren't sure what


<!-- the above would result in the following DOM/HTML -->
    <!-- links/scripts are prioritized by their utility to early loading, not call order -->
    <link rel="prefetch-dns" href="https://..." />
    <link rel="preconnect" href="https://..." />
    <link rel="preload" as="font" href="https://.../path/to/font.woff" />
    <link rel="preload" as="style" href="https://.../path/to/stylesheet.css" />
    <script async="" src="https://.../path/to/some/script.js"></script>

